Product Information


Solvant, Solvant de labo, Solvant de procédé


Hors conflit, Qualité réactif, Sans OGM


Carton 4 x 1 gallon en poly fluoré - Item #331000ACSCSGF

Carton 4 x 4 L - Item #331000ACSCS4L

Seau en métal 5 gallons - Item #331000ACSPL05M

Fût en métal 55 gallons - Item #331000ACSDM55M


ACS, Réactif

Sold By

Where to Purchase

This product is for further commercial manufacturing, laboratory or research use, and may be used as an excipient or a process solvent for pharmaceutical purposes. It is not intended for use as an active ingredient in drug manufacturing nor as a medical device or disinfectant. Appropriate/legal use of this product is the responsibility of the user.


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