Ce partenariat stratégique fait de Greenfield Global le seul producteur d’alcool de grain aux États-Unis à disposer de capacités de fabrication, de conditionnement et de distribution à l’échelle nationale.

La Mirada, Californie – 27 septembre 2023 – Greenfield Global Inc., leader dans la production, la fabrication et la distribution d’alcools de haute pureté et de spécialité, de solvants et de solutions personnalisées, s’est associé à REMET Alcohols, Inc. pour répondre à la demande croissante en Californie et dans l’ouest des États-Unis en matière d’alcool de haute pureté et d’alcool dénaturé en vrac et conditionné. Avec l’annonce d’aujourd’hui, Greenfield étend sa capacité de fabrication et de distribution en vrac et son empreinte vers l’ouest, améliorant ainsi l’approvisionnement des secteurs de l’industrie, de l’alimentation, des parfums, des produits pharmaceutiques, des soins personnels et des boissons en Californie, au Nevada, dans l’Utah, dans l’Oregon, dans l’État de Washington et dans l’Arizona.

« Après une recherche approfondie du partenaire idéal pour étendre nos activités à l’ouest du Mississippi, REMET Alcohols s’est imposé comme un choix évident », a déclaré Howard Field, président-directeur général de Greenfield Global. « REMET Alcohols dispose d’une équipe formidable et d’années d’expérience pour répondre aux besoins de qualité et de service des clients de la côte ouest. Sa grande expertise en matière de logistique, de liaisons ferroviaires et de stockage en vrac nous permettra de répondre à la demande croissante dans l’ouest des États-Unis. Greenfield continuera à approvisionner directement ses clients, tandis que REMET achètera l’éthanol de Greenfield et gérera ses propres clients, ce qui simplifiera le processus pour toutes les parties concernées ».

En vertu de l’accord, le partenariat offre une sécurité d’approvisionnement inégalée, des capacités de distribution sur des marchés à croissance rapide et une efficacité accrue aux clients de REMET Alcohols et de Greenfield en :

  • Ajoutant la région du Grand Los Angeles au portefeuille de fabrication de Greenfield dans le Connecticut et le Kentucky.
  • Combinant les capacités de stockage, de transport ferroviaire et de fabrication sur site de REMET Alcohols avec la surveillance efficace et fiable de la chaîne d’approvisionnement de bout en bout de Greenfield pour les produits à base d’éthanol de qualité supérieure.
  • Fournir aux clients de REMET Alcohols des alcools de haute pureté, à la pointe de l’industrie, en provenance directe des distilleries de Greenfield, leur donnant ainsi la confiance dans la sécurité de l’approvisionnement et de la qualité.

Cette annonce fait suite à la récente expansion de Greenfield dans la production d’alcool de haute pureté, qui a porté sa production annuelle à plus de 70 millions de gallons par an dans trois distilleries.

« Il s’agit certainement d’un partenariat gagnant-gagnant, car le service de mélange et de distribution en vrac et conditionné de REMET Alcohols, qui a fait ses preuves, sera complété par la qualité de référence de Greenfield en matière de production d’éthanol, et vice-versa », a déclaré John S. Paraszczak, président-directeur général de REMET® Corporation. « REMET doit une partie de son succès à des relations à long terme et à une satisfaction supérieure de la clientèle – et nous nous engageons à maintenir ces qualités et ces résultats dans le cadre de ce nouveau partenariat avec Greenfield.


À propos de Greenfield Global Inc.

Depuis 1989, Greenfield Global se positionne en tant que fournisseur principal d’alcools de grande pureté, de solvants de spécialité, de solutions de mélanges sur mesure et d’éthanol‑carburant. Des clients de partout dans le monde lui font confiance, tant des sociétés issues du classement Fortune 500 que des entreprises individuelles.

Greenfield œuvre principalement dans les secteurs des carburants renouvelables, des alcools de consommation, des sciences de la vie, de l’alimentation, des arômes, des parfums, des soins personnels et des produits industriels. Greenfield exécute chaque année au-delà de 35 000 commandes en provenance de plus de 50 pays. Elle dispose d’une imposante chaîne d’approvisionnement mondiale composée de 5 distilleries et de 5 installations de mélange et de conditionnement, en plus de 8 entrepôts, ce qui lui permet d’offrir la livraison en 1 à 3 jours. L’entreprise exploite également l’une des plus importantes usines de digestion anaérobie d’Amérique du Nord. Chaque année, ce sont plus de 120 000 tonnes de matières résiduelles organiques qui y sont transformées en gaz naturel renouvelable.

L’éthanol à faible teneur en carbone de Greenfield aide les industries à se décarboniser et à atteindre les objectifs en matière d’émissions nettes zéro, alors que ses équipes de chercheurs et d’ingénieurs ne cessent d’innover et de produire d’autres carburants et produits chimiques durables, tels que l’hydrogène vert, le méthanol vert, le carburant d’aviation durable et le gaz naturel renouvelable.

Chez Greenfield, la déclaration de mission est de développer le potentiel des individus, des partenariats et de la nature afin d’accélérer les solutions durables pour la santé de la planète.

Greenfield Global est une entreprise familiale dont le siège social se situe à Toronto, au Canada. Elle se classe au palmarès des « sociétés les mieux gérées au Canada » à titre de membre Platine depuis 2015.

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter le site www.greenfield.com


A propos de REMET Alcohols, Inc.

Fondée en 1985, REMET Alcohols, Inc. distribue de l’alcool éthylique pur de la plus haute qualité et mélange toutes les formulations d’alcool spécialement dénaturé approuvées par le TTB, pour les industries alimentaires, aromatiques, de soins personnels, du vinaigre et pharmaceutiques.

REMET Alcohols se consacre à la réussite de ses clients en leur fournissant un service personnalisé, des produits de qualité, en établissant des relations à long terme et en leur donnant une satisfaction globale supérieure.

REMET Alcohols s’engage en permanence à maintenir des normes et une éthique élevées, ce qui en fait le partenaire de choix de l’industrie de l’éthanol.

REMET Alcohols, dont le siège social se trouve à La Mirada (Californie), est une filiale à 100 % de REMET Corporation.

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter le site www.remetalcohol.com


Contacts :

Valérie Picher
Vice-présidente, Communications et relations publiques
Greenfield Global Inc.
(647) 289-5873

Matt Day
Communications and Marketing Officer
REMET Corporation
+44 (0) 1634 226 240

L’expansion de 160 millions de dollars répond à la demande croissante des clients et à la sécurité de l’approvisionnement de trois distilleries.

Toronto, Ontario – 11 septembre 2023 – Greenfield Global Inc, fabricant et distributeur de renommée mondiale d’alcools de spécialité, de solvants et de solutions personnalisées, a achevé avec succès la modernisation de sa distillerie de Johnstown, qui a porté sa production globale d’alcool de haute pureté à près de 70 millions de gallons par an. Le projet d’expansion ayant été mis en service et validé, la distillerie est exceptionnellement efficace pour produire de l’alcool de haute pureté et a commencé à expédier de l’alcool à 190 et 200 degrés à ses clients par camions-citernes et wagons, ainsi qu’à ses installations de mélange et de conditionnement en aval aux États-Unis, au Canada et en Europe.

« La demande mondiale pour nos alcools de haute pureté dans des secteurs clés tels que les sciences de la vie, l’alimentation, les arômes et les parfums, les soins personnels et les boissons alcoolisées a dépassé notre capacité de production au cours des dernières années », a déclaré Howard Field, président-directeur général de Greenfield Global. « Notre augmentation de production de 30 millions de gallons nous permettra de fournir à nos clients leurs plans de croissance avec les normes de qualité les plus élevées qui font la réputation de Greenfield. En outre, compte tenu du rôle essentiel que nous jouons dans les chaînes d’approvisionnement de centaines de nos clients, la mise à niveau de l’expansion garantit une sécurité d’approvisionnement encore plus grande dans nos trois distilleries d’alcool de haute pureté – en particulier à un moment où les distilleries plus anciennes et moins viables économiquement dans l’industrie ferment. »

Les améliorations apportées à la distillerie Johnstown de Greenfield comprennent :

  • Un système de distillation d’alcool de qualité pharmaceutique et de boissons de 30 millions de gallons, à la pointe de l’industrie et à haut rendement, offrant aux clients l’éthanol le plus pur disponible dans le commerce.
  • Un laboratoire BPF de pointe garantissant des niveaux constants de qualité et de contrôle des produits.
  • Des chargements robustes de wagons et de camions-citernes permettant une production pure et mélangée au moment du remplissage, et garantissant que les expéditions parviennent aux clients aussi efficacement que possible.

De concert avec les installations de mélange et de conditionnement en aval de Greenfield aux États-Unis, au Canada et en Europe, la modernisation de l’alcool de haute pureté de Johnstown améliorera la logistique de livraison de la société dans l’ensemble des États-Unis et du Canada, ainsi que par bateau dans le monde entier.

« Notre modèle unique de « chaîne de contrôle » nous permet de retracer la livraison de notre alcool aux clients via le rail, les camions-citernes, les iso-conteneurs, les bacs, les fûts, les seaux, les biobags et autres, jusqu’au chargement de maïs livré à nos distilleries, ce qui est important pour bon nombre de nos clients. M. Field poursuit . « Greenfield s’est forgé une réputation de qualité et d’uniformité de ses produits, et la modernisation de Johnstown nous permettra de répondre à la croissance de nos clients, tout en ajoutant de nouveaux clients.

Greenfield remercie le gouvernement de l’Ontario pour son soutien au projet par l’entremise du Ontario Together Fund (OTF) du ministère du Développement économique, de la Création d’emplois et du Commerce (MEDJCT). Depuis sa création en 2008, la distillerie Johnstown de Greenfield fait partie intégrante de la croissance économique et du développement de la communauté locale. La modernisation a permis de créer 19 emplois à temps plein, ainsi que de nombreux emplois indirects dans la communauté de Johnstown, et constitue un nouvel engagement de Greenfield, qui soutient l’économie locale depuis plus de 15 ans.


Pour en savoir plus sur les développements passionnants de Greenfield Global, veuillez consulter le site web officiel à l’adresse www.greenfield.com.

Pour les demandes de renseignements des médias, veuillez communiquer avec :

Valérie Picher
Vice-présidente, Communications et relations publiques
(647) 289-5873


Au sujet de Greenfield Global Inc. :

Depuis 1989, Greenfield Global se positionne en tant que fournisseur principal d’alcools de grande pureté, de solvants de spécialité, de solutions de mélanges sur mesure et d’éthanol‑carburant. Des clients de partout dans le monde lui font confiance, tant des sociétés issues du classement Fortune 500 que des entreprises individuelles.

Greenfield œuvre principalement dans les secteurs des carburants renouvelables, des alcools de consommation, des sciences de la vie, de l’alimentation, des arômes, des parfums, des soins personnels et des produits industriels. Greenfield exécute chaque année au-delà de 35 000 commandes en provenance de plus de 50 pays. Elle dispose d’une imposante chaîne d’approvisionnement mondiale composée de 5 distilleries et de 5 installations de mélange et de conditionnement, en plus de 8 entrepôts, ce qui lui permet d’offrir la livraison en 1 à 3 jours. L’entreprise exploite également l’une des plus importantes usines de digestion anaérobie d’Amérique du Nord. Chaque année, ce sont plus de 120 000 tonnes de matières résiduelles organiques qui y sont transformées en gaz naturel renouvelable.

L’éthanol à faible teneur en carbone de Greenfield aide les industries à se décarboniser et à atteindre les objectifs en matière d’émissions nettes zéro, alors que ses équipes de chercheurs et d’ingénieurs ne cessent d’innover et de produire d’autres carburants et produits chimiques durables, tels que l’hydrogène vert, le méthanol vert, le carburant d’aviation durable et le gaz naturel renouvelable.

Chez Greenfield, la déclaration de mission est de développer le potentiel des individus, des partenariats et de la nature afin d’accélérer les solutions durables pour la santé de la planète.

Greenfield Global est une entreprise familiale dont le siège social se situe à Toronto, au Canada. Elle se classe au palmarès des « sociétés les mieux gérées au Canada » à titre de membre Platine depuis 2015.

Mississauga (Ontario), le 17 août 2023 – Greenfield Global Inc, un important producteur mondial d’éthanol et de solvants de haute pureté, est heureux d’annoncer l’expansion de son portefeuille de produits et de son empreinte de distribution sur le marché canadien. Grâce à l’établissement d’un nouvel entrepôt spécialisé situé dans la région du Grand Toronto, Greenfield peut répondre à la demande croissante de diverses industries canadiennes pour un accès continu à des matériaux de qualité essentiels et critiques, y compris le méthanol, l’acétone et l’acétonitrile – maintenant, tous facilement disponibles au Canada.

« Chez Greenfield, nous comprenons l’importance de fournir un accès local à des solvants de haute pureté. Le nouvel entrepôt, situé à Milton, en Ontario, renforcera notre engagement envers une chaîne d’approvisionnement fiable, l’uniformité des devises et des délais d’exécution plus courts pour nos clients canadiens « , a déclaré Donald Williams, directeur des chaînes d’approvisionnement chez Greenfield Global. « Dans le cadre de la gamme de produits Pharmco® de Greenfield Global, nous offrons une sélection complète de solvants et d’alcools de haute pureté, destinés à de multiples industries et entreprises, y compris la fabrication de produits pharmaceutiques, d’arômes et de produits industriels, ainsi qu’aux hôpitaux, aux laboratoires et aux universités. Notre nouvel entrepôt permettra des livraisons encore plus rapides et des solutions d’essai à des prix compétitifs. »

Le nouvel entrepôt de Greenfield Global, dont l`ouverture est prévu pour la fin du mois de septembre 2023, a été conçu pour offrir des avantages significatifs afin d’améliorer l’expérience des clients canadiens entreprises Canadiennes, quelle que soit leur taille :

  • Gamme de produits élargie : Les entreprises peuvent désormais s’attendre à des prix compétitifs et à un accès à une gamme de solvants de haute pureté au Canada. Pour plus de commodité, Greenfield offre également la flexibilité d’emballages personnalisés allant des Tôtes aux bidons. Cliquez ici pour obtenir la liste complète des produits disponibles à notre nouvel entrepôt Canadienne.
  • Entreposage local : Les clients de Greenfield situés au Canada bénéficieront de délais de livraison de 1 à 2 jours, de coûts logistiques réduits et de la possibilité d’effectuer des transactions en devise canadienne.
  • Service à la clientèle : L’équipe du service à la clientèle de Greenfield, basée au Canada, s’engage à aider les entreprises, où qu’elles en soient dans le processus d’achat, et à améliorer l’accès à un vaste portefeuille de produits de qualité.
  • Expertise en matière de réglementation : Avec plus de 30 ans d’expérience, Greenfield aide ses clients à prendre en compte toutes les considérations réglementaires pour les produits dont ils ont besoin.

Pour en savoir plus sur les développements passionnants de Greenfield Global, veuillez consulter le site web officiel à l’adresse www.greenfield.com.

Pour les demandes de renseignements des médias, veuillez communiquer avec :

Valérie Picher
Vice-présidente, Communications et relations publiques
(647) 289-5873


Au sujet de Greenfield Global Inc. :

Depuis 1989, Greenfield Global se positionne en tant que fournisseur principal d’alcools de grande pureté, de solvants de spécialité, de solutions de mélanges sur mesure et d’éthanol carburant. Des clients de partout dans le monde lui font confiance, tant des sociétés issues du classement Fortune 500 que des entreprises individuelles.

Greenfield œuvre principalement dans les secteurs des carburants renouvelables, des alcools de consommation, des sciences de la vie, de l’alimentation, des arômes, des parfums, des soins personnels et des produits industriels. Greenfield exécute chaque année au-delà de 35 000 commandes en provenance de plus de 50 pays. Elle dispose d’une imposante chaîne d’approvisionnement mondiale composée de 5 distilleries et de 5 installations de mélange et de conditionnement, en plus de 8 entrepôts, ce qui lui permet d’offrir la livraison en 1 à 3 jours. L’entreprise exploite également l’une des plus importantes usines de digestion anaérobie d’Amérique du Nord. Chaque année, ce sont plus de 120 000 tonnes de matières résiduelles organiques qui y sont transformées en gaz naturel renouvelable.

L’éthanol à faible teneur en carbone de Greenfield aide les industries à se décarboniser et à atteindre les objectifs en matière d’émissions nettes zéro, alors que ses équipes de chercheurs et d’ingénieurs ne cessent d’innover et de produire d’autres carburants et produits chimiques durables, tels que l’hydrogène vert, le méthanol vert, le carburant d’aviation durable et le gaz naturel renouvelable.

Chez Greenfield, la déclaration de mission est de développer le potentiel des individus, des partenariats et de la nature afin d’accélérer les solutions durables pour la santé de la planète.

Greenfield Global est une entreprise familiale dont le siège social se situe à Toronto, au Canada. Elle se classe au palmarès des « sociétés les mieux gérées au Canada » à titre de membre Platine depuis 2015.

L’investissement de 2 millions de dollars du gouvernement du Canada fait progresser la technologie « des déchets aux carburants » de l’entreprise

Le 24 janvier 2023 – Greenfield Global Inc, chef de file canadien dans la production d’alcool, de solvants et de biocarburants, a accueilli aujourd’hui M. Francis Drouin, secrétaire parlementaire du ministre de l’Agriculture et de l’Agroalimentaire, dans le laboratoire parrainé par Greenfield à l’Université de l’Alberta, pour lui faire part des progrès réalisés dans le cadre d’un projet de 2 millions de dollars visant à transformer des déchets agricoles en carburant propre, financé par Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada dans le cadre du volet recherche et innovation du Programme des technologies propres en agriculture (PTA).

Greenfield, en étroite collaboration avec la Faculté de génie de l’Université de l’Alberta, dirige le développement d’une nouvelle technologie propre qui convertira les déchets agricoles en carburant diesel renouvelable. Promouvant une économie agricole circulaire, cette technologie a le potentiel de réduire les émissions globales de gaz à effet de serre dans les secteurs de l’agriculture et du transport jusqu’à 90 % par rapport au carburant diesel d’origine fossile.

« Les solutions aux changements climatiques aident non seulement l’environnement, mais elles peuvent aussi améliorer l’économie et soutenir les producteurs – et des projets comme celui-ci en sont un excellent exemple « , a déclaré Francis Drouin, secrétaire parlementaire du ministre de l’Agriculture et de l’Agroalimentaire, au nom de l’honorable Marie-Claude Bibeau. « Cette nouvelle technologie permettra de convertir les déchets agricoles en carburant renouvelable, d’ajouter de la valeur pour les producteurs et de stimuler l’industrie énergétique, tout en réduisant les émissions de gaz à effet de serre.

« Notre collaboration en recherche et développement avec l’Université de l’Alberta pour produire du carburant diesel renouvelable à partir de déchets organiques permettra à l’agriculture, au camionnage, à la construction, aux génératrices de secours et à d’autres secteurs à forte consommation de combustibles fossiles de se décarboniser, ce qui est directement conforme aux plans d’action du Canada en matière de climat et aidera le Canada à atteindre des émissions nettes nulles d’ici 2050 « , a déclaré Howard Field, président et chef de la direction de Greenfield Global. « Greenfield décarbonise les émissions des véhicules légers au Canada depuis des décennies, en produisant de l’éthanol-carburant à partir de maïs industriel qui est mélangé à l’essence. Nous sommes déterminés à poursuivre le développement d’une technologie de pointe avec nos partenaires de la recherche, de l’agriculture et de l’industrie, et nous apprécions l’engagement et le soutien du gouvernement du Canada à l’égard des technologies climatiques novatrices et importantes.

Parmi les autres avantages de la technologie de Greenfield, citons le fait qu’elle ne s’intéresse pas aux matières premières et qu’elle utilise une approche en étoile pour la collecte des matières premières, la production de biobrut et le raffinage du biobrut en diesel renouvelable.

La Fédération canadienne de l’agriculture, la Fédération de l’agriculture de l’Ontario et les Grain Farmers of Ontario sont trois contributeurs clés qui ont appuyé le processus de demande de financement de Greenfield et ont aidé à rendre ce projet possible. La collaboration de toutes les parties concernées contribuera à la commercialisation réussie de cette technologie qui produira un carburant liquide durable, améliorera la gestion des déchets et réduira les émissions de gaz à effet de serre.

Contacte médias:

Valérie Picher
Vice-présidente, Communications et relations publiques
Greenfield Global Inc.


À propos de Greenfield Global :

Fondée en 1989, Greenfield Global Inc. est devenue l’un des plus grands fabricants et distributeurs d’éthanol-carburant, d’alcool industriel et de produits liés à l’alcool en Amérique du Nord. Nos matières premières, nos ingrédients et nos additifs de grande valeur, essentiels à la réalisation de nos missions, sont vitaux pour les entreprises, améliorent la vie des gens et préservent la santé de la planète. Présents au Canada, aux États-Unis et en Irlande, nous produisons, fabriquons, conditionnons et vendons diverses qualités, mélanges et tailles d’emballages d’alcools, de solvants de spécialité et d’éthanol pour les marchés des sciences de la vie, de l’alimentation, des arômes, des parfums, de l’industrie, des boissons et de l’énergie dans plus de 50 pays.

Des start-ups aux plus grandes marques mondiales, les entreprises font confiance au large portefeuille de produits de qualité supérieure de Greenfield Global, à son expertise en matière de réglementation et à son service de pointe pour améliorer la vie des gens et la santé de la planète. Tournée vers l’avenir, Greenfield s’est engagée dans un monde où l’énergie provient de la base, en utilisant des matériaux de la surface de la terre pour produire des carburants renouvelables comme l’éthanol, l’hydrogène vert, le gaz naturel renouvelable, le méthanol vert et le carburant d’aviation durable.

Greenfield Global is providing the life sciences sector with greater volumes of custom solutions under the Pharmco brand, to enhance supply chain confidence and reduce production lead times.

Brookfield, Connecticut (September 28, 2022) – To meet the increased demand from biopharma customers, Greenfield Global is tripling its production capacity for ethanol blends with water-for-injection (“WFI”) at its Brookfield, Connecticut plant from a 2,000 gallon tank to a total capacity just shy of 6,000 gallons.

Greenfield’s increased capacity provides greater confidence in supply chain security and increases production lead times for the laboratories, medical device manufacturers, and both large and small molecule pharmaceutical companies served around the globe. Under the Pharmco brand, Greenfield offers access to a larger volume of these ready to use solutions, helping customers improve their own manufacturing efficiencies as they can rely on Greenfield to quickly meet the demand to make the product they need to their exact specifications.

In addition to blending Greenfield’s USP and World Grade ethanol with WFI, the company also has the capability to blend additional custom solutions used in chromatography resin cleaning, storage, and regeneration in any package size or format required by customers – pails, drums, totes, and single-use containers.

“In medicine and life sciences, innovation happens fast, and the stakes are high. Our chemists and engineers are continually adapting and adding capabilities without compromising quality”, said Frank Richards, Executive Vice President and Managing Director, Specialty Chemicals & Ingredients at Greenfield Global. “By tripling our capacity to produce ethanol blends with water for injection, we are greatly enhancing our supply-chain transparency, service reliability, and responsiveness to the very specific and technical customer demands in this market, something that is unique to Greenfield.”

The pharmaceutical industry depends on suppliers to provide the best available high-purity solvents & solutions, specialty chemicals, and bio-based ingredients to help people live better and longer. For over 10 years, Greenfield Global has provided a customized level of quality and service that small suppliers can’t replicate, and large suppliers can’t react to as we control the process from end-to-end: from order receipt, to manufacturing to delivery.

About Greenfield Global
Greenfield Global Inc. is the largest privately owned high-purity alcohol company in North America. Under the Pharmco brand, the company offers a wide range of specialty alcohols and bio-based chemicals to quality-driven and environmentally conscious customers around the globe. Twelve federally registered Distilled Spirits Plant locations offer regional distribution from coast to coast with support worldwide through more than 40 international distribution partners. The Pharmco brand stands for premium quality and service excellence and has been supplying life science, food, flavor, fragrance, personal care, extraction, and industrial companies with mission-critical products for more than 30 years.

Media Contact:
Valérie Picher, Vice President, Communications & Public Relations

New Facility Aims to Serve Local and Global Pharmaceutical Customers with High-Purity Ethanol, Ethanol Blends and Buffer Solutions

Portlaoise, Ireland, September 14, 2021 — Greenfield Global Inc., a global leader in the production of ethanol, high-purity speciality alcohols and solvents, today announced the official start of its operation in Ireland. The facility, which has been commissioned and validated, is set to supply life science customers with its Pharmco® products in Ireland, Europe and elsewhere around the world.

Located in the heart of Ireland, Greenfield is strategically positioned to serve life science customers throughout the country as well as the rest of Europe. With direct access to the Dublin port, the company is equally prepared to supply customers across the globe. The facility sources both ethanol and isopropyl alcohol from its dedicated storage tanks. The ethanol is distilled at Greenfield’s manufacturing operations in Canada before it’s shipped to Portlaoise, Ireland.

“Greenfield Global has supplied essential alcohols, solvents and bio-processing materials from our North American operations to customers in the life science industry for more than three decades, helping them improve the health of people around the world,” said Howard Field, Greenfield Global President and CEO. “I am very excited to announce that our Ireland operation is now fully validated, and we are ready to supply these mission-critical products to our pharmaceutical and biotech customers with operations globally.”

The new facility uses Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for International Pharmaceutical Excipient (IPEC) guidelines for the highest quality Pharmco-branded products. The Portlaoise site houses dedicated blend tanks for ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, phosphoric acid, sodium hydroxide and Citric Acid water-based solutions. It features a closed-loop piping system that connects the production tank to a bulk loading dock and filling lines in an ISO 8 cleanroom.

“Thanks to our growing team of 30 dedicated employees, we were able to get the location up and running despite only opening up our 3,800-square-metre facility in July of 2020,” said Ken Finegan, Managing Director of Greenfield Global Ireland.

The facility is equipped with in-house quality control, a microbial laboratory, USP purified water and Water for Injection (WFI) generation. Plant equipment validation was completed through Design Qualification (DQ), Installation Qualification (IQ), Operational Qualification (OQ) and Performance Qualification (PQ). Products will be stored in a temperature-monitored and -controlled warehouse before finding their way to their final destination.

“We are beyond excited to supply new and existing life science customers with Pharmco-branded products, especially in times of globally damaged supply chains as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Finegan added.

Interested in learning more? Contact Ken Finegan, Managing Director, at ken.finegan@greenfield.com.

About Greenfield Global Inc.
Greenfield Global provides high-value, mission-critical raw materials, ingredients and additives that are vital to businesses, improve people’s lives and preserve the health of the planet. Greenfield is the largest ethanol producer in Canada and owns and operates five ethanol distilleries, four specialty chemical manufacturing and packaging plants and three next-generation biofuel and renewable energy R&D centers in the United States, Canada and Ireland. Founded in 1989, Greenfield continually develops more efficient and sustainable technologies and products while shrinking its own carbon footprint. From start-ups to the largest brands in the world, customers trust Greenfield’s extensive portfolio of premium products, regulatory expertise and industry-leading service. Under its Pharmco and Commercial Alcohols brands, Greenfield delivers hundreds of products to thousands of life science, food, flavor, fragrance, and beverage customers in more than 50 countries worldwide. To learn more, visit www.greenfield.com.

Media Contact:
Robert Dekker
VP Communications and Public Relations
+1 416-304-1700 x8431

NII to explore potential for hydrogen demonstration plant in Bruce County

(Port Elgin, Ontario) The Nuclear Innovation Institute (NII) has launched a new study into the role of nuclear power in supporting a growing hydrogen economy. The study will be the first of its kind in Canada to evaluate the technical viability and business case for hydrogen production from emissions-free nuclear power.

Work on the study will be led by Arcadis, supported by NII and project partners Bruce Power and Greenfield Global.

“Hydrogen is poised to play a key role in a net-zero future,” said David Campbell, Director of NII’s Bruce Power Centre for Next Generation Nuclear. “This project will provide a unique exploration of how nuclear power can provide the clean, affordable hydrogen that Ontario will need to continue decarbonizing our economy.”

The project continues the Centre’s research into the potential for hydrogen production and use in Ontario. Hydrogen holds remarkable promise as a source of clean energy with diverse applications and is projected by industry observers to become an increasingly important energy resource in the coming decades. This study will investigate the viability of a local pilot project to demonstrate the economics of the technology, in preparation for the rapid growth of the hydrogen economy.

The study builds on other local work, such as that done through the Bruce Innovates project, to explore the significant benefits a hydrogen project could bring to the region. These benefits include new export opportunities, new trade partnerships between local vendors, and the creation of high-paying jobs. Governments at all levels will also benefit from the study as they execute their own hydrogen strategies.

Bruce County is well positioned to advance the hydrogen economy due to its existing energy expertise, geographic advantages, and natural resources. This project will be another step in building the region’s reputation as the Clean Energy Frontier—a place where government and private sector alike forge the path to a net-zero future.

“Arcadis is honored to conduct this study on behalf of the Centre and its partners, and to play a part in driving green energy forward,” said Dr. Doug Chambers, vice president at Arcadis. “Hydrogen is a key component in designing sustainable solutions and exploring its potential will help propel a larger transition toward a net-zero emissions economy that works for future generations.”

« As the leading producer of low-carbon transportation fuel in Canada, we are delighted to explore the potential of making clean hydrogen in a joint venture with Bruce Power, which provides clean, low-cost electricity to every third home, hospital and business across Ontario,” said Howard Field, CEO of Greenfield Global. “Our two companies have been neighbours and proud corporate citizens of Bruce County for over 30 years.”

“Thanks to Bruce Power and the nuclear industry, Ontario has a deeply decarbonized electricity system,” said Mike Rencheck, Bruce Power’s President and CEO. “We can leverage that system as a competitive advantage to attract new investment in innovation and to decarbonize other sectors of the economy through the production and use of hydrogen as a clean fuel alternative.”

The Bruce Power Centre for Next Generation Nuclear is a think tank created to study the future of hydrogen, small modular reactors (SMRs) and fusion energy and understand how these technologies can be leveraged to achieve a net-zero economy. For more of the Centre’s research into hydrogen, visit: https://www.nuclearinnovationinstitute.ca/centre-for-next-generation-nuclear.

About the Nuclear Innovation Institute
The Nuclear Innovation Institute (NII) is an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides a platform to accelerate innovation and the implementation of business relevant solutions for the nuclear industry. NII’s goal is to shape a Canadian nuclear industry that embraces new thinking, new technologies and new lines of business that can drive the global shift to a low-carbon future.

Learn more at nii.ca and join the conversation on Twitter (@OntarioNII), LinkedIn (Nuclear Innovation Institute), Instagram (@niiexplore), and Facebook (@OntarioNII).

About Arcadis
Arcadis is the leading global design & consultancy organization for natural and built assets. We maximize impact for our clients and the communities they serve by providing effective solutions through sustainable outcomes, focus and scale, and digitalization. We are over 27,000 people, active in more than 70 countries that generate €3.3 billion in revenues. We support UN-Habitat with knowledge and expertise to improve the quality of life in rapidly growing cities around the world. www.arcadis.com

About Greenfield Global Inc.
Greenfield Global provides high-value, mission-critical raw materials, ingredients and additives that are vital to businesses, improve people’s lives and preserve the health of the planet. Greenfield is the largest ethanol producer in Canada and owns and operates five ethanol distilleries, four specialty chemical manufacturing and packaging plants and three next-generation biofuel and renewable energy R&D centers in the United States, Canada and Ireland. Founded in 1989, Greenfield continually develops more efficient and sustainable technologies and products while shrinking its own carbon footprint. From start-ups to the largest brands in the world, customers trust Greenfield’s extensive portfolio of premium products, regulatory expertise and industry-leading service. Under its Pharmco and Commercial Alcohols brands, Greenfield delivers hundreds of products to thousands of life science, food, flavor, fragrance, and beverage customers in more than 50 countries worldwide. To learn more, visit www.greenfield.com.

About Bruce Power
Formed in 2001, Bruce Power is an electricity company based in Bruce County, Ontario. We are powered by our people. Our 4,200 employees are the foundation of our accomplishments and are proud of the role they play in safely delivering clean, reliable, low-cost nuclear power to families and businesses across the province. Bruce Power has worked hard to build strong roots in Ontario and is committed to protecting the environment and supporting the communities in which we live. Learn more at www.brucepower.com.

In 1991, Greenfield Global, then Sunroot, acquired a small business known as Commercial Alcohols Ltd. This venture started Greenfield down a path of supplying high-purity specialty chemicals and ingredients, under the coveted Pharmco brand, to our commercial, life science, herbal extraction, food, flavor and fragrance industry partners the world over.

What better way to celebrate this thirty-year milestone of serving the community than with a Customer Appreciation Month.  The entire month of June is dedicated to giving back to all our fantastic customers (that means you)!

In June, we will offer you a chance to give back to your team and community awarding two $1,000 prizes! We will give two prize winners $500 to a charity of their choice and $500 to be used for a team lunch, group outing, or some other morale-boosting activity.

How to enter?

  1. Go to this customer appreciation LinkedIn post and comment between June 10 and June 24th. We want to hear from you about how your company’s products or services are helping the world or about a positive experience you have had with Greenfield. It could be a person, a product, a custom solution, anything!
  2. You can also enter your company by emailing marketing@greenfield.com between June 10 and June 24th with your name, company and a comment on a positive experience with Greenfield.

Terms and conditions apply. One raffle entry per company. US-based customers only. Download and read the terms and conditions.

Leading Ethanol Producer Partners with CFS for Corn Supply and DDGS Offtake

WINNEBAGO, MN, June 2, 2021— Greenfield Global Inc., a leading producer of renewable energy solutions and a global leader in the production of high-purity specialty alcohols and solvents, announced today that it has reached an agreement with Central Farm Service (CFS) for the supply of corn to its newly acquired ethanol plant in Winnebago, MN.

Greenfield acquired the Winnebago plant at the end of last year and will be ready to start the production of renewable ethanol as early as the fall of this year. The Winnebago plant has a production capacity of 48 million gallons per year which mainly serves the low-carbon fuel marketplace.

CFS has seventeen grain locations in southern Minnesota and northern Iowa. The CFS grain team includes ten experienced grain marketing advisors who utilize specialized tools and information to help farmers formulate effective grain marketing plans. CFS offers daily market commentary, a variety of grain marketing contracts, online grain marketing, and online account information.

The partnership between Greenfield and CFS also includes an offtake agreement for dried distillers grain products (DDGS) produced by Greenfield. DDGS, a co-product of the ethanol production process, are an excellent source of energy and a highly nutritious animal feed.

CFS will begin buying corn immediately for harvest and beyond for delivery to the Greenfield plant in Winnebago. For more information, please contact your local CFS Grain Marketing Advisor or call CFS at (507) 525-1576 or visit www.cfscoop.com.

About Greenfield Global Inc.
Greenfield Global provides high-value, mission-critical raw materials, ingredients and additives that are vital to businesses, improve people’s lives and preserve the health of the planet. Greenfield is the largest ethanol producer in Canada and owns and operates five ethanol distilleries, four specialty chemical manufacturing and packaging plants and three next-generation biofuel and renewable energy R&D centers in the United States, Canada and Ireland. Founded in 1989, Greenfield continually develops more efficient and sustainable technologies and products while shrinking its own carbon footprint. From start-ups to the largest brands in the world, customers trust Greenfield’s extensive portfolio of premium products, regulatory expertise and industry-leading service. Under its Pharmco and Commercial Alcohols brands, Greenfield delivers hundreds of products to thousands of life science, food, flavor, fragrance, and beverage customers in more than 50 countries worldwide. To learn more, visit www.greenfield.com.

About Central Farm Service (CFS)
Central Farm Service (CFS) is committed to sustainability and the cooperative way of doing business. Our members own the company, guide the decision-making process, and share the benefits that come from working together.  Headquartered in Truman, Minnesota, we serve more than 4,000 producers in southern Minnesota and northern Iowa.  We are highly diversified with products and services in grain marketing and merchandising, crop production and seed, feed manufacturing, bulk petroleum, and producer financing.  Each day we strive to live our purpose of providing Trusted Service and Cooperative Value to members.  To learn more, visit www.cfscoop.com.

Media Contacts:
Robert Dekker
VP Communications and Public Relations
Greenfield Global
+1 416-304-1700 x8431

Stephanie Peterson
Communications Director
Central Farm Service
+1 507-475-3328











Premier producteur d’éthanol aux États-Unis à recevoir la certification EXCiPACT pour sa conformité aux BPF

BROOKFIELD, Connecticut, le 8 décembre 2020 /[CNW]/ — Greenfield Global Inc., l’un des plus grands producteurs d’éthanol carburant au Canada et leader mondial dans la production d’alcools et de solvants de spécialité, annonce aujourd’hui avoir obtenu la certification de conformité de son système qualité des excipients (EXCiPACT) aux bonnes pratiques de fabrication (BPF) pour certains produits d’éthanol, d’acétone et d’alcool isopropylique (IPA) à son établissement de Brookfield, dans le Connecticut.

EXCiPACT est la certification indépendante et mondialement reconnue par l’industrie pour la gestion des risques de la chaîne d’approvisionnement liés aux excipients, qui sont des substances inactives servant de véhicule aux médicaments ou autres substances actives. Le processus d’évaluation rigoureux ayant mené à la certification EXCiPACT démontre que Greenfield Global fabrique des excipients pharmaceutiques conformément aux normes de bonnes pratiques de fabrication (BPF).

« Cette certification témoigne de l’engagement de Greenfield Global à fournir des produits et des services de grande qualité à ses clients », déclare Frank Richards, vice-président exécutif et chef de direction, Ingrédients et produits chimiques de spécialité. « Depuis plus de 30 ans, Greenfield Global, sous sa marque Pharmco, veille à ce que ses normes de sécurité des produits soient conformes ou supérieures aux exigences réglementaires et à celles de ses clients. »

Les produits suivants de la marque Pharmco sont visés par la certification EXCiPACT et peuvent être expédiés dans des remorques-citernes et des conteneurs ISO :

  1. Alcool éthylique (éthanol)
  2. Alcool éthylique anhydre (éthanol)
  3. Alcool isopropylique (IPA)
  4. Acétone

« Nos clients ne peuvent compromettre la qualité des produits spécialisés qu’ils fabriquent; ils comptent donc sur des fournisseurs qui partagent leur souci de l’excellence, poursuit M. Richards. Cette certification confirme notre engagement à respecter les BPF dans la fabrication de nos produits et dans la chaîne d’approvisionnement pharmaceutique sûre et transparente que nous utilisons pour une distribution rapide et fiable à nos clients. »

La nouvelle installation de Greenfield Global à Portlaoise, en Irlande, vise également la certification EXCiPACT, qui devrait être obtenue en 2021.


À propos de Greenfield Global

Greenfield Global offre des matières premières, des ingrédients et des additifs de grande valeur qui sont essentiels à la mission des entreprises, améliorent la vie de la population et préservent la santé de la planète. Plus important producteur d’éthanol au Canada, Greenfield possède et exploite quatre distilleries d’éthanol, cinq usines de production et de conditionnement de produits chimiques de spécialité, et trois centres de recherche et développement en biocarburant de nouvelle génération et en énergie renouvelable au Canada et aux États-Unis.

Depuis sa fondation en 1989, Greenfield développe des technologies et des produits de plus en plus efficaces et durables tout en diminuant sa propre empreinte carbone. Qu’elles soient en démarrage ou parmi les plus grandes marques au monde, les entreprises font confiance à Greenfield et à sa vaste gamme de produits de première qualité, à son expertise en réglementation et à son service inégalé dans l’industrie. Sous les marques Les Alcools de commerce et Pharmco, Greenfield fournit des centaines de produits à des milliers de clients des secteurs des sciences de la vie, de l’alimentation, des arômes, des parfums et des boissons dans plus de 50 pays à travers le monde.

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le www.greenfield.com.
Contact média

Robert Dekker
Vice-président, Communications et relations publiques

Greenfield Global
T. 416-304-1700, poste 8431

Portlaoise 28th July 2020 Greenfield Global Inc., a global leader in the production of ethanol, high-purity speciality alcohols, and solvents, will soon commence the commissioning phase of their new EU Manufacturing Headquarters in Portlaoise, Ireland.

The new 3,800 sq. metre facility, the company’s first outside North America, will produce Pharmco branded products serving Life Science customers globally and is located on IDA Ireland’s Business and Technology Park. This new facility will result in 75 new jobs over the next five years, while 170 constructions jobs were created during the build and fit-out phase of the project.  The Portlaoise facility is one of the first NZEB (near zero energy buildings) to be completed under the new European standards. Project financing is provided by Allied Irish Banks and is supported by the Irish Government through IDA Ireland.

Greenfield Global, which has its headquarters in Toronto, Canada, has operations in 12 locations across North America, manufacturing and distributing a wide range of products to customers in over 50 countries.

Greenfield Global President and CEO Howard Field said “Greenfield Global has been supplying Pharmco branded mission-critical alcohols, solvents and bio-processing materials to Life Science companies across the globe for more than two decades. Until now, those products have been produced, packaged and delivered from our distilleries and manufacturing facilities in North America. Today, I am very excited to announce that our Portlaoise Ireland plant construction is essentially completed and we are excited to enter the commissioning phase of the facility in preparation to commence the validation program.”

Managing Director of Greenfield Global Ireland Ken Finegan said “This achievement for Greenfield erecting a complex facility with an aggressive timeline in normal settings are something to celebrate and be proud of. The fact that our onsite team, DPS Engineering and all of our contractors had to very quickly change protocol to account for COVID-19, launch and manage a new set of health and safety standards, while still moving this project forward is a feat.  All while maintaining Greenfield’s standards of excellence.  We are encouraged to move this project to the next phase and will soon be able to service our existing and new customers with Pharmco branded products, including pharmaceutical companies, from Europe and beyond.  Greenfield’s manufacturing headquarters in Portlaoise will become a critical part of the Life Science ecosystem in Europe and beyond, especially considering the improvements we can make to globally damaged supply chains caused by COVID-19.”

Minister of State Department of Finance with responsibility for Financial Services, Credit Unions and Insurance Sean Fleming TD. who attended today’s announcement, said: “This investment is a very positive development for the Midlands region and is further evidence of the benefits of locating in the regions outside Dublin where there is access to talent, lower operating costs, and higher staff retention rates. Greenfield Global’s decision to locate their new EU manufacturing headquarters here is not only a sign of the capacity and capabilities that the Midlands provides, but also a sign of Ireland’s expertise and our strong and growing life sciences ecosystem. I would like to welcome Greenfield Global to the area and I look forward to working with them over the coming years.” 

CEO of IDA Ireland Martin Shanahan said “I wish to congratulate Greenfield Global on reaching this milestone – the establishment of its EU Manufacturing Headquarters in Portlaoise – which is also Greenfield Global’s first facility outside of North America.  Greenfield Global’s presence in the Midlands is of considerable benefit to the economy of the region and enhances Ireland’s vibrant EIT sector. I wish the team here and in North America continued success with the ongoing support of IDA Ireland.”

Greenfield is commencing with its validation program and customer audits starting August 2020 which can be scheduled by contacting Ken Finegan, Managing Director at Ken.Finegan@greenfield.com.

About Greenfield Global Inc.

 Greenfield Global is a global leader in the production of high-value, mission-critical raw materials, ingredients and additives that are vital to businesses, improve people’s lives, and preserve the health of the planet. Greenfield is the largest ethanol producer in Canada and owns and operates four ethanol distilleries, four specialty chemical manufacturing and packaging plants, and three next-generation biofuel and renewable energy R&D centres across North America and Europe. Since its beginning in 1989, Greenfield continually develops more efficient and sustainable technologies and products while shrinking its own carbon footprint. From start-ups to the largest brands in the world, customers trust Greenfield’s extensive portfolio of premium products, regulatory expertise, and industry-leading service. Under its Pharmco and Commercial Alcohols brands, Greenfield delivers hundreds of products to thousands of Life Science, Food, Flavor, Fragrance, Personal Care and Beverage customers in more than 50 countries worldwide.  To learn more, visit www.greenfield.com.

Media Contact

Andrea Kent
VP Government and Public Relations
+1 (613) 698-0116

IDA Ireland
Alison Nulty
Regional Communications, Press & PR Executive

Longhorn has selected Greenfield Global’s Pharmco brand high purity reagent alcohol to quickly distribute its PrimeStore MTM® worldwide.

BROOKFIELD, Conn.June 15, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Longhorn Vaccines & Diagnostics, an innovative molecular tool, assay and vaccine development company, and Pharmco, Greenfield Global’s popular brand of specialty alcohols and high-purity solvents, have combined to rapidly accelerate coronavirus testing and detection which are critical to combating the global COVID-19 pandemic.

In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, most of the COVID-19 testing requires sample collection devices, such as viral transport mediums, that keep the virus alive within the sample and require refrigeration, special shipping and biosafety containment. Unlike standard methods for collecting and transporting samples, Longhorn’s PrimeStore MTM® safely deactivates pathogens at the point of collection and stabilizes RNA and DNA, allowing enhanced point of care and ambient temperature transport for laboratory-based molecular testing and characterization with no need for special containment facilities.

« Safe and robust collection of high-quality samples that can be processed on standard lab benches using conventional qPCR have enabled rapid detection from patients and assisted in combating the global COVID19 pandemic, » said Dr. Luke T. Daum, Chief Scientific Officer at Longhorn Vaccines and Diagnostics and the inventor of PrimeStore MTM®.  « What makes PrimeStore MTM® so important is that once an oral or nasal swab is collected, the viruses and bacteria from the sample are lysed/inactivated, the RNA and DNA are stabilized for safe transport and processing outside of BSL-2/3 laboratories. »

« Formulating solvents that meet our customers’ criteria allows us to help them make incredible products and meet the demands of the market, » said Steve DiBenedetto, Senior Vice President of Sales & Operations. « Our Pharmco branded products are blended and packaged at our GMP-compliant facilities operating under an ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System which ensures a high quality, consistent product. Longhorn Vaccines and Diagnostic Testing’s innovation is remarkable. We value their trust in our top-quality products, our security of supply, and our reliable supply chain, which allows us to help support millions of critical tests worldwide. » PrimeStore MTM® is an FDA-cleared collection medium for respiratory samples, including SARS-CoV-2 virus and has emerged to become a critical tool in the fight against COVID19.

About Longhorn Vaccines and Diagnostics
Longhorn Vaccines & Diagnostics is an innovative molecular tool, assay and vaccine development company focused on serving unmet critical needs in both developed and developing nations. Longhorn’s core product, PrimeStoreMolecular Transport Medium® (MTM), is a patented, FDA cleared, state-of-the-art ambient temperature molecular diagnostic collection and transport device that can help governments, global health organizations and drug manufacturers improve the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases such as mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) and Influenza. Unlike standard devices for collecting and transporting TB samples, PrimeStore MTM® is the first molecular transport device that can safely deactivate pathogens and stabilize RNA and DNA, allowing enhanced point of care and ambient temperature transport for laboratory based molecular testing and characterization. Longhorn is based in Bethesda, Maryland with the research and development facility in San Antonio, Texas.

About Pharmco by Greenfield Global
Greenfield Global Inc. is the largest high-purity alcohol company in North America. Under its Pharmco brand, the company offers a wide range of specialty alcohols and bio-based chemicals to quality-driven and environmentally conscious customers around the globe. Twelve federally registered Distilled Spirits Plant locations offer regional distribution from coast to coast with support worldwide through more than 40 international distribution partners. The Pharmco brand stands for premium quality and service excellence and has been supplying life science, food, flavor, fragrance, personal care, extraction and industrial companies with mission-critical products for more than 30 years.

Les dons, effectués par l’entremise du nouveau Fonds, Greenfield a cette cause à cœur, sont destinés aux organisations caritatives des collectivités où les employés de Greenfield Global vivent et travaillent.

TORONTO, le 22 mai 2020 – Greenfield Global Inc., leader mondial de la production d’éthanol, d’alcools de spécialité de grande pureté et de solvants, a annoncé aujourd’hui la création du Fonds, Greenfield a cette cause à cœur, destiné à aider les organisations caritatives et les groupes en première ligne locaux dans le contexte de la pandémie de COVID-19.

« Nous vivons une période incroyablement difficile et, chez Greenfield, nous nous engageons à répondre aux besoins de nos communautés », déclare Howard Field, président-directeur général de Greenfield Global. « La pandémie a un effet dévastateur sur la santé sociale et économique d’un grand nombre de personnes et de communautés. Jusqu’à maintenant, les gouvernements ont travaillé avec acharnement pour venir en aide à la population, mais nous croyons que c’est au tour des entreprises qui en ont les moyens de contribuer à l’effort collectif. Nous avons donc créé le Fonds, Greenfield a cette cause à cœur, pour soutenir les organisations locales qui viennent en aide aux personnes les plus touchées par la pandémie de COVID-19 dans les communautés où nous vivons et travaillons. »

Depuis le début de cette crise mondiale, Greenfield a joué un rôle de premier plan dans l’approvisionnement de l’alcool nécessaire à la production de désinfectant pour les mains, utilisé dans la lutte contre la maladie mortelle. Les dons effectués par l’entremise du Fonds, Greenfield a cette cause à cœur, serviront à soutenir les organismes locaux qui fournissent des services essentiels, tels que l’aide alimentaire, l’hébergement d’urgence et l’appui aux hôpitaux ainsi qu’aux travailleurs de première ligne.

Depuis la mi-avril, la compagnie étudie les demandes envoyées par les comités locaux d’employés. Le Fonds, Greenfield a cette cause à cœur, a accordé 41 subventions d’un montant total de 400 000 $ à des organismes de bienfaisance enregistrés au service des 11 collectivités dans lesquelles les employés de Greenfield sont fiers d’habiter et de travailler, que ce soit au Canada, aux États-Unis ou en Irlande.

À propos de Greenfield Global Inc.

Greenfield Global offre des matières premières, des ingrédients et des additifs de grande valeur qui sont essentiels à la mission des entreprises, améliorent la vie de la population et préservent la santé de la planète. Plus important producteur d’éthanol au Canada, Greenfield possède et exploite quatre distilleries, trois usines de production et d’emballage de produits chimiques de spécialité, et trois centres de R et D en biocarburant de nouvelle génération et en énergie renouvelable répartis en Amérique du Nord. Depuis ses débuts en 1989, Greenfield développe des technologies et des produits de plus en plus efficaces et durables tout en diminuant sa propre empreinte carbone. Qu’elles soient en démarrage ou parmi les plus grandes marques au monde, les entreprises font confiance à Greenfield et à sa vaste gamme de produits de première qualité, à son expertise en réglementation et à son service inégalé dans l’industrie. Sous les marques Greenfield, Les Alcools de commerce et Pharmco, Greenfield Global fournit des centaines de produits à des milliers de clients des secteurs des sciences de la vie, de l’alimentation, des arômes, des parfums et des boissons dans plus de 50 pays à travers le monde. Pour en savoir plus, visitez le www.greenfield.com.

Contact média
Andrea Kent
V- P., Relations gouvernementales et publiques
+1 613 698-0116

Greenfield’s distilleries and manufacturing facilities are developing new formulations to add additional supply of critically needed hand sanitizers and disinfectants

TORONTO, March 24, 2020 – Greenfield Global Inc., a global leader in ethanol, high-purity specialty alcohols and solvents production, has been producing and shipping vital alcohols and solvents at a record pace to combat the worldwide spread of COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic.  As part of this effort, the company has adjusted its production to maximize disinfectant, hand sanitizer, pharmaceutical and food processing materials to supply the North American market at this time of increased need via its Pharmco and Commercial Alcohols brands.

The 30-year-old company, which produces over 700 million liters per year of high-quality beverage alcohol, high purity pharmaceutical and industrial alcohol, and fuel ethanol has maximized its production to keep up with increasing demand.  This includes prioritizing its efforts to support indispensable front-line workers fighting the spread of COVID-19 (i.e., hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, research labs, janitorial services, etc.), as well as other customers involved in meeting the demand for disinfectant products.  Internal teams have also been tasked with developing plans to quickly increase production to satisfy the growing demand.

« Greenfield’s 525 employees are proud to be working closely with US and Canadian governments to increase our production capacity and find innovative ways to formulate more alcohols and solvents that can be used to make products that are essential to fight the spread of COVID-19, » says Howard Field, Chief Executive Officer of Greenfield Global. « We are a critical part of many supply chains that are on the front lines to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic, and our entire team is working around the clock to develop creative solutions to produce more, and ensure that our supply chains remain intact.”

In cases where community funds or supplies have run dry, Greenfield is donating product to improve the health and safety of residents who have resorted to using improvised sanitizers and disinfectants. These additional runs of products, along with unprecedented levels of demand and product inquiries, are being tirelessly fulfilled by Greenfield’s dedicated staff.

« Our number one priority is always the health and safety of both our team and our communities » says Mr. Field. « Inspired by the agility, commitment, and innovation of like-minded companies that are stepping up in this time of need, Greenfield will do its part to keep critical products flowing to medical professionals, government agencies and consumers by creatively using our assets to maximize production of those vital products. »

About Greenfield Global Inc.

Greenfield Global provides high-value, mission-critical raw materials, ingredients and additives that are vital to businesses, improve people’s lives, and preserve the health of the planet. Greenfield is the largest ethanol producer in Canada and owns and operates four ethanol distilleries, three specialty chemical manufacturing and packaging plants, and three next-generation biofuel and renewable energy R&D centers across North America. Since its beginning in 1989, Greenfield continually develops more efficient and sustainable technologies and products while shrinking its own carbon footprint. From start-ups to the largest brands in the world, customers trust Greenfield’s extensive portfolio of premium products, regulatory expertise, and industry-leading service. Under its Pharmco and Commercial Alcohols brands, Greenfield delivers hundreds of products to thousands of Life Science, Food, Flavor, Fragrance, and Beverage customers in more than 50 countries worldwide.  To learn more, visit www.greenfield.com.

Media Contact
Matthew Canter – Director of Marketing
+1 203-740-3471, x6931

The leading international manufacturer of specialty alcohols and bio-based chemicals reaches global scale for life science customers shipping from the United States and Europe.

BROOKFIELD, ConnecticutNovember 4,  2019 – Pharmco, a brand of Greenfield Global, a leading international manufacturer of specialty alcohols and bio-based chemicals, will be an exhibitor at the CPhI Worldwide conference, November 5-7, 2019 in Frankfurt, Germany.  The company is cultivating business for the region and announced plans to establish a new EU manufacturing headquarters in Portlaoise, Ireland, earlier this year.

The new 40,900 square feet manufacturing facility in Ireland is currently under construction and is expected to be operational in Q2, 2020. The facility is Greenfield’s first foray into manufacturing outside of North America and will ensure the increasing demand from life science customers throughout Europe can be met. When complete, the facility will include a 15,000 square foot GMP warehouse, and offer enhanced local access to Greenfield’s established portfolio of high purity alcohols and solvents used in critical manufacturing processes for small molecule and medical device customers.

« We are excited to be showcasing at CPhI Worldwide for several reasons, » said Frank Richards, EVP & Managing Director, Specialty Chemicals and Ingredients. « Certainly, we look forward to meeting participants and highlighting the Pharmco portfolio of products and what we can offer customers across the complete pharma supply chain. But we also want the industry to know we are committed to working in the region and have proven capabilities and a global scale for life science customers shipping from the United States and Europe. »

Pharmco’s presence at the CPhi Worldwide event also coincides with bioprocess solution upgrades in its US facilities as well as several expert team additions in Quality and Manufacturing.

Pharmco will be located at Booth #102A85 during the CPhI Worldwide event.

Pharmco is showcasing solutions including but not limited to:

  • Downstream Solutions for Resin Regeneration, Storage, and Cleaning
  • Specific solutions being designed for Greenfield’s Ireland facility
    • Sodium Hydroxide solutions
    • Phosphoric Acid solutions
    • Dextrose solutions
    • Ethanol/WFI solutions
  • Key solutions produced in the United States, including 20% Ethanol, Sodium Hydroxide, 2% Benzyl Alcohol, Ethylene Glycol Blends, hexylene glycol blends.

About Pharmco by Greenfield Global

Greenfield is the largest high-purity alcohol company in North America. Under the Pharmco brand, the company offers a wide range of specialty alcohols and bio-based chemicals to quality-driven and environmentally-conscious customers around the globe. Twelve federally registered Distilled Spirits Plant locations offer regional distribution from coast to coast with support worldwide support through more than 40 international distribution partners. The Pharmco brand stands for premium quality and service excellence and has been supplying life science, food, flavor, fragrance, personal care, extraction and industrial companies with mission-critical products for more than 30 years.

About Greenfield Global Inc.

Greenfield Global provides high-value, mission-critical raw materials, ingredients and additives that are vital to businesses, improve people’s lives, and preserve the health of the planet. Greenfield is the largest ethanol producer in Canada and owns and operates four ethanol distilleries, three specialty chemical manufacturing and packaging plants, and three next-generation biofuel and renewable energy R&D centres across North America. Since its beginning in 1989, Greenfield continually develops more efficient and sustainable technologies and products while shrinking its own carbon footprint. From start-ups to the largest brands in the world, customers trust Greenfield’s extensive portfolio of premium products, regulatory expertise, and industry-leading service. Under its Pharmco and Commercial Alcohols brands, Greenfield delivers hundreds of products to thousands of Life Science, Food, Flavor, Fragrance, and Beverage customers in more than 50 countries worldwide.  To learn more, visit www.greenfield.com.

Media Contact
Andrea Kent, Vice President, Government and Public Relations
+1 613-698-0116

Ken Finegan
Managing Director – Ireland
+353 (0)86 2306474

Expanded capabilities include Aseptic Filling to support Single Use Biologic manufacturing and temperature-controlled storage for stability programs.

Brookfield, Connecticut September 10, 2019 — Pharmco, a leading international producer of specialty alcohols and high purity solvents, announced an expansion to its packaging facility in Brookfield, Connecticut, through the creation of a bioprocessing wing. The new capabilities include aseptic filling and temperature-controlled storage for stability programs available from 3 to 5 years.

The expansion builds on the facility’s Clean Room which has been in operation since 2009.

Initial portfolio options will focus on assisting customers in outsourcing their resin storage, cleaning, and regeneration solutions, as well as supporting key life science partners. Package sizes are available in single-use and rigid containers ranging from 1L bottles to 1000L bags. Stability programs are available upon request.

This announcement is the latest in a series of investments made by Greenfield Global to grow its expertise in manufacturing, storing, and shipping high-value specialty chemicals and ingredients around the world. In April, the company announced plans to establish a new European manufacturing headquarters in Portlaoise, Ireland.

“We are proud of the role we are playing in helping advancements in bioprocessing, gene therapy, and medical device industry by supplying high-quality, reliable pharmaceutical products, “said Steve DiBenedetto, SVP of Sales and Operations. “Our customers do incredible things, and we will continue to  focus our growth in areas that will deliver the maximum benefit to their work and specific needs.”

More information on Pharmco and new product offerings and capabilities, will be presented at  Bioprocess International Conference and Exhibition, Booth 632, in Boston Convention Centre from September 9-12, 2019.  Information is also available by phone  1-800-243-5360 or by visiting https://greenfield.com/

Sales  Contact:
Jeff Balaban
Life Sciences, Territory Manager -Northeast

Media Contact:
Andrea Kent
+1 613-698-0116

About Pharmco by Greenfield Global

Greenfield is one of the largest high-purity alcohol companies in North America. Under the Pharmco brand, the company offers a wide range of specialty alcohols and bio-based chemicals to quality-driven and environmentally-conscious customers around the globe. Twelve federally registered Distilled Spirits Plant locations offer regional distribution from coast to coast with support worldwide support through more than 40 international distribution partners. The Pharmco brand stands for premium quality and service excellence and has been supplying life science, food, flavor, fragrance, personal care, extraction and industrial companies with mission-critical products for more than 30 years.

 About Greenfield Global Inc.

Greenfield Global provides high-value, mission-critical raw materials, ingredients and additives that are vital to businesses, improve people’s lives, and preserve the health of the planet. Greenfield is the largest ethanol producer in Canada and owns and operates four ethanol distilleries, three specialty chemical manufacturing and packaging plants, and three next-generation biofuel and renewable energy R&D centers in Canada and the United States. Founded in 1989, Greenfield continually develops more efficient and sustainable technologies and products while shrinking its own carbon footprint. From start-ups to the largest brands in the world, customers trust Greenfield’s extensive portfolio of premium products, regulatory expertise, and industry-leading service. Under its Pharmco and Commercial Alcohols brands, Greenfield delivers hundreds of products to thousands of Life Science, Food, Flavor, Fragrance, and Beverage customers in more than 50 countries worldwide. To learn more, visit http://www.greenfield.com/

Distribution center adds 60,000 square feet of capacity; expanding the company’s rapidly growing footprint and creating faster delivery capacity to five North Eastern States.

West Haven, Connecticut August 28, 2019 — Pharmco, a leading international producer of specialty alcohols and high purity solvents, announced today that it will expand its distribution capabilities by adding storage of up to 60,000 square feet  in West Haven, Connecticut. The facility will provide enhanced service and delivery to customers in the state, as well as customers from Maine to Maryland.

The new distribution center will allow Pharmco, and parent company Greenfield Global, to sustain rapid growth by continually improving logistics capacity and customer service. From a supply chain perspective, it also complements the company’s production facility in Brookfield, Connecticut.

“Adding this facility in West Haven will help us continue to deliver the industry’s best possible sales and service,” said Steve DiBenedetto, SVP Sales & Operations. “Strategic investments like this allow us to create a more responsive supply chain and offer more products and superior delivery to our customers.”

The location will predominantly serve customers in food, flavor, fragrance, and life science markets. It will also provide added capacity for Pharmco’s manufacturing facility to undertake the production of more complex and critical materials to meet the growing demand from lab-scale and life science customers at the forefront of innovation.

“For us, expanding distribution capabilities is truly about customer service,” continued DiBenedetto. “We are always taking steps to keep pace with our customer’s growth, anticipate their needs, and help them reach new heights.”

For more information on Pharmco and new product offerings, please call 1-800-243-5360

or visit https://greenfield.com/

 Sales  Contact:
Augustine Ullmann
203-740-3471, x6948

 Media Contact:
Andrea Kent
+1 613-698-0116

 About Pharmco by Greenfield Global

Greenfield is one of the largest high-purity alcohol companies in North America. Under the Pharmco brand, the company offers a wide range of specialty alcohols and bio-based chemicals to quality-driven and environmentally-conscious customers around the globe. Twelve federally registered Distilled Spirits Plant locations offer regional distribution from coast to coast with support worldwide support through more than 40 international distribution partners. The Pharmco brand stands for premium quality and service excellence and has been supplying life science, food, flavor, fragrance, personal care, extraction and industrial companies with mission-critical products for more than 30 years.

 About Greenfield Global Inc.

Greenfield Global provides high-value, mission-critical raw materials, ingredients and additives that are vital to businesses, improve people’s lives, and preserve the health of the planet. Greenfield is the largest ethanol producer in Canada and owns and operates four ethanol distilleries, three specialty chemical manufacturing and packaging plants, and three next-generation biofuel and renewable energy R&D centers in Canada and the United States. Founded in 1989, Greenfield continually develops more efficient and sustainable technologies and products while shrinking its own carbon footprint. From start-ups to the largest brands in the world, customers trust Greenfield’s extensive portfolio of premium products, regulatory expertise, and industry-leading service. Under its Pharmco and Commercial Alcohols brands, Greenfield delivers hundreds of products to thousands of Life Science, Food, Flavor, Fragrance, and Beverage customers in more than 50 countries worldwide. To learn more, visit http://www.greenfield.com/.

 New 265,000 square foot warehouse in prime location expands the brand’s distribution and better supports specialty and high purity solvents to customers from coast-to-coast.

Tampa Bay, Florida July 10, 2019 — Pharmco, a leading international producer of specialty alcohols and high purity solvents, announced today that it will expand its distribution capabilities by opening a 265,000 square foot warehouse into Ocala, Florida. This new warehouse strengthens Pharmco’s unique coast-to-coast distribution capabilities and builds on its 12 existing North American warehouses that are tightly interconnected with over 40 international distribution partners.

The addition of the new Ocala, Florida warehouse will allow Pharmco, and parent company Greenfield Global, to satisfy the growing demand for its products in the herbal extraction market, as well as other industries.  From a supply chain perspective, it also compliments the company’s production facility in Shelbyville, Kentucky.

“We are passionate about matching our world-class manufacturing with excellent distribution”, said Frank Richards, Executive Vice President and Managing Director, Specialty Chemicals and Ingredients. “Our expansion into Florida ensures that we can match the fast-paced growth of customers seeking high-quality bio-based specialty alcohol blends and customized solvents, as well as the growing demand for herbal extraction products.”

In addition to in-house offerings like quality assurance, rigorous product certification, and Pharmco’s extensive regulatory expertise, the Ocala, Florida warehouse will stock specialty products such as Isopropyl Alcohol (70% and 99%), Ethyl Alcohol (190 and 200 Proof), Organic Ethyl Alcohol, Methanol, and Acetone. New offerings include herbal extraction solvent CDA 12A-1, and MCT oil.

“We believe in constantly challenging ourselves to be as agile and innovative as possible,” continued Richards. “Whether it’s strategically expanding our distribution capacities, offering new products, or taking steps to anticipate future industry demand, we are always striving to exceed our customers’ expectations and help them do incredible things.”

For more information on Pharmco and new product offerings, please call 1-800-243-5360

or visit https://greenfield.com/

Sales  Contact:
Augustine Ullmann
203-740-3471, x6948

Media Contact:
Andrea Kent
+1 613-698-0116

About Pharmco by Greenfield Global

Greenfield is one of the largest high-purity alcohol companies in North America. Under the Pharmco brand, the company offers a wide range of specialty alcohols and bio-based chemicals to quality-driven and environmentally-conscious customers around the globe. Twelve federally registered Distilled Spirits Plant locations offer regional distribution from coast to coast with support worldwide support through more than 40 international distribution partners. The Pharmco brand stands for premium quality and service excellence and has been supplying life science, food, flavor, fragrance, personal care, extraction and industrial companies with mission-critical products for more than 30 years.

About Greenfield Global Inc.

Greenfield Global provides high-value, mission-critical raw materials, ingredients and additives that are vital to businesses, improve people’s lives, and preserve the health of the planet. Greenfield is the largest ethanol producer in Canada and owns and operates four ethanol distilleries, three specialty chemical manufacturing and packaging plants, and three next-generation biofuel and renewable energy R&D centers in Canada and the United States. Founded in 1989, Greenfield continually develops more efficient and sustainable technologies and products while shrinking its own carbon footprint. From start-ups to the largest brands in the world, customers trust Greenfield’s extensive portfolio of premium products, regulatory expertise, and industry-leading service. Under its Pharmco and Commercial Alcohols brands, Greenfield delivers hundreds of products to thousands of Life Science, Food, Flavor, Fragrance, and Beverage customers in more than 50 countries worldwide. To learn more, visit www.greenfield.com.

NEW ORLEANS, LA, 04 June 2019— Pharmco, a brand of Greenfield Global, a leading international manufacturer of specialty alcohols and bio-based chemicals, has been exhibiting  at the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Annual Event and Food Expo show this week at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, LA. IFT is one of the largest events of its kind bringing together over 17,000 attendees, scientists, and food professionals from around the globe.

Pharmco (Booth #1647) has invited the flavor and food community to learn about the company’s latest innovations, as well as its full and diverse range of specialty product offerings, including but not limited to:

  • Ethyl Alcohol, derived from conventional corn, organic corn, and non-GMO project verified sugar cane, and organic sugar cane.
  • MCT Oil , derived from RSPO palm, organic coconut, and conventional coconut
  • USP/Kosher Glycerin
  • Alcohol from a variety of sources, including grain, grape, wood, and cane.
  • Tax-free Specially Denatured Alcohol (SDA)blends.
  • Flavor-infused alcohols and aromatics such as organic lavender, peppermint, spearmint, and menthol.
  • Finished products containing both organic alcohol and fragrance.

“We are excited to be at IFT19 to showcase our industry-leading, quality-driven portfolio developed to help our customers meet the growing demand for premium products that help improve people’s lives,” said Frank Richards, Executive Vice President and Managing Director, Specialty Chemicals and Ingredients.

Pharmco couples its evolving product list of in-demand products, including Organic, Kosher, and Non-GMO Project Verified offerings, with world-class distribution. “Our global logistics capabilities are second to none,” continued, Richards. “We have twelve federally registered Distilled Spirits Plant locations offering regional distribution from coast to coast in North America and more than 40 international distribution partners.”

Stop by booth #1647 to learn more. Inquiries for more information or to work with Pharmco can also contact Augustine.Ullmann@greenfield.com or +1 203-740-3471, x6948

 About Pharmco by Greenfield Global

Greenfield is the largest high-purity alcohol company in North America. Under the Pharmco brand, the company offers a wide range of specialty alcohols and bio-based chemicals to quality-driven and environmentally-conscious customers around the globe. Twelve federally registered Distilled Spirits Plant locations offer regional distribution from coast to coast with support worldwide support through more than 40 international distribution partners. The Pharmco brand stands for premium quality and service excellence and has been supplying life science, food, flavor, fragrance, personal care, extraction and industrial companies with mission-critical products for more than 30 years.

About Greenfield Global Inc.

Greenfield Global provides high-value, mission-critical raw materials, ingredients and additives that are vital to businesses, improve people’s lives, and preserve the health of the planet. Greenfield is the largest ethanol producer in Canada and owns and operates four ethanol distilleries, three specialty chemical manufacturing and packaging plants, and three next-generation biofuel and renewable energy R&D centres across North America. Since its beginning in 1989, Greenfield continually develops more efficient and sustainable technologies and products while shrinking its own carbon footprint. From start-ups to the largest brands in the world, customers trust Greenfield’s extensive portfolio of premium products, regulatory expertise, and industry-leading service. Under its Pharmco and Commercial Alcohols brands, Greenfield delivers hundreds of products to thousands of Life Science, Food, Flavor, Fragrance, and Beverage customers in more than 50 countries worldwide.  To learn more, visit www.greenfield.com.

Media Contact

Andrea Kent, Vice President, Government and Public Relations
+1 613-698-0116

Augustine Ullmann
+1 203-740-3471, x6948

The dedicated capacity in Carteret, New Jersey, adds 800,000 gallons of storage and is the only one of its kind on the East Coast.

Brookfield, CT, XX May 2019— Pharmco, a brand of Greenfield Global, is proud to announce that its new dedicated storage tanks at Kinder Morgan Terminal in Carteret, New Jersey, are fully operational. Announced in February, the terminal provides 800,000 gallons of dedicated storage for Pharmco’s non-GMO sugar cane alcohol. The tanks represent an 800% increase from the company’s previous capacity and are the most substantial storage capacity for non-GMO Cane verified by the non-GMO Project in North America.

“Customers have trusted the Pharmco brand of non-GMO sugar cane alcohol for over five years. The decision to expand our supply chain capabilities in the United States is driven by our continued internal push to be at the foreground of where our customers business needs are, and help them succeed in new and more significant markets, » said Greenfield Global’s Frank Richards, Executive Vice President and Managing Director, Specialty Chemicals and Ingredients.

“Our existing specialty chemical and ingredients business and the demand for our non-GMO sugar cane alcohol is growing significantly. This investment satisfies the growing demand by our existing customers and addresses the needs of prospective customers,” continued Richards. “Expanding our footprint helps us mitigate customer supply risks, eliminates business interruptions, and ensures we can provide our food, flavor, and personal care customers with the best products and service possible.”

Pharmco is one of the largest importers of Non-GMO cane alcohol in the United States. The terminal is the only one of its kind on the East Coast and provides Pharmco with dedicated outbound capabilities by railcar or truck direct to its customers and packaging hubs. Since being announced in February 2019, the tanks are filled, and shipments have begun going out to customers.

Pharmco will continue to provide its customers with reliable lead times and delivery anywhere in North America, including packaging from single gallon bottles to totes packaged in its Brookfield, Connecticut and Shelbyville, Kentucky plants.

Inquiries for more information or to work with Pharmco on non-GMO cane alcohol opportunities, please contact Augustine.Ullmann@greenfield.com or +1 203-740-3471, x6948.

About Pharmco by Greenfield Global

Greenfield is the largest high-purity alcohol company in North America. Under the Pharmco brand, the company offers a wide range of specialty alcohols and bio-based chemicals to quality-driven and environmentally-conscious customers around the globe. Twelve federally registered Distilled Spirits Plant locations offer regional distribution from coast to coast with support worldwide support through more than 40 international distribution partners. The Pharmco brand stands for premium quality and service excellence and has been supplying life science, food, flavor, fragrance, personal care, extraction and industrial companies with mission-critical products for more than 30 years.

About Greenfield Global Inc.

From its inception in 1988, Greenfield Global has grown to become a leading producer of high purity alcohols, fuel ethanol, and related co-products. The Company has manufacturing and processing facilities in Ontario, Quebec, and the United States, with sales and distribution worldwide through its Greenfield, Commercial Alcohols and Pharmco brands. Greenfield is committed to the development and commercialization of both low-carbon biofuels, as well as renewable energy from organic waste and other biomass resources. The Company’s headquarters are in Toronto, Ontario.


Media Contact

Andrea Kent, Vice President, Government and Public Relations
+1 613-698-0116

Augustine Ullmann
+1 203-740-3471, x6948

The company is expanding operations and building local capacity to better serve life sciences customers throughout Europe and the region. Brookfield, CT. April 16, 2019 – Greenfield Global Inc., Canada’s largest producer of alcohol and fuel ethanol, and one of the largest alcohols and solvents companies in North America, has announced plans to establish a new EU manufacturing headquarters in Portlaoise, Ireland. The new 40,900 square feet manufacturing facility in Portlaoise will be constructed in the IDA Ireland Business and Technology Park and is expected to be operational in Q2, 2020. The project is supported by the Irish Government through IDA and is expected to create 75 high-quality jobs over the next five years. “Greenfield is an ambitious company that understands the strength of diversification, be it our products, the markets we serve, or in our operations and supply chain capacity”, said Howard Field, Greenfield President and CEO. “Our commitment to building a world-class GMP manufacturing facility in Portlaoise is our first foray into manufacturing outside of North America. This new facility will ensure we can meet the increasing demand from our life science customers throughout Europe and the region.” Greenfield, which has its headquarters in Toronto, Canada, has operations in 12 locations across North America. The company’s extensive portfolio of products is trusted by hundreds of customers in pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, life science, personal care, and food, flavor and fragrance markets in over 50 countries. “Our focus is on improving quality and reliability for our customers,” said Greenfield’s Ken Finegan, Managing Director, Ireland. By adding this manufacturing facility, Greenfield’s European life sciences customers will get the certainty they want and need. We will be able to offer them a local source of their critical raw materials to avoid disruption in their supply chain so that they can continue to scale and grow. Sold under the Pharmco brand, these raw materials will initially range from high-purity ethanol blends and solvents, to GMP buffer solutions such as sodium hydroxide and ethanol with water for injection, made in varying concentrations.” Greenfield welcomes the opportunity to expand its manufacturing operations into Europe and looks forward to contributing to the strong and growing life sciences ecosystem in Ireland. About Greenfield Greenfield Global provides high-value, mission-critical raw materials, ingredients and additives that are vital to businesses, improve people’s lives, and preserve the health of the planet. Greenfield is the largest ethanol producer in Canada and owns and operates four ethanol distilleries, three specialty chemical manufacturing and packaging plants, and three next-generation biofuel and renewable energy R&D centres across North America. Since its beginning in 1989, Greenfield continually develops more efficient and sustainable technologies and products while shrinking its own carbon footprint. From start-ups to the largest brands in the world, customers trust Greenfield’s extensive portfolio of premium products, regulatory expertise, and industry-leading service. Under its Pharmco and Commercial Alcohols brands, Greenfield delivers hundreds of products to thousands of Life Science, Food, Flavor, Fragrance, and Beverage customers in more than 50 countries worldwide.  To learn more, visit www.greenfield.com. Media Contact Andrea Kent, Vice President, Government and Public Relations +1 613-698-0116 Andrea.Kent@greenfield.com Inquiries Augustine Ullmann 203-740-3471, x6948 Augustine.Ullmann@greenfield.com

New Packaging Option Expands High Purity Solvent & Ethanol Portfolio and Reduces Customer Waste.

Brookfield, CT, 2nd April 2019— Pharmco, a brand of Greenfield Global, today announced it has expanded its portfolio options to include Stainless Steel Pressurized Vessels at the company’s Brookfield, CT, USA facility. This new portfolio option further strengthens Pharmco’s unique production space, improves chemical supply chain and quality control systems, and allows customers to reduce their raw material waste.

Each fleet is dedicated to a customer and ensures a consistent and reliable supply of material reducing supply chain risk. The tightly enclosed system reduces the potential for product contamination and the pressurized environment is perfect for making custom formulations capable of meeting the most stringent custom specifications.

Pharmco’s steel fleet options carry an 8-10-week start-up time and allow customers to connect directly to a research or manufacturing process; shortening workflow throughput time. It also saves time associated with repeat solvent testing and rinsing bottles leading to reduced expenses associated with disposing of hazardous materials.

“Greenfield is constantly innovating and strives to help our customers do the same,” said Greenfield Global President and CEO Howard Field. “These fleets will help our customers make their business more efficient while reducing their environmental impact. This is especially valuable when it comes to high volume, high-quality, research and development.”

“The pressurized fleets should come as welcome news to our customers in life sciences, who have been asking for this option. For the first time, customers can purchase pure ethanol in a pressurized fleet, while also receiving dedicated sales rep support on their ACS/USP, HP/LC, and LC/MS returnable fleet demands,” said Steve DiBenedetto SVP of Sales and Operations.

The pressurized fleets are available immediately for Pharmco’s full solvent portfolio including multiple grades of Pure and Denatured Ethyl Alcohol, Acetone, Acetonitrile, Activator, Cap A, Cap B, Deblock, Dichloromethane, Dimethylformamide, DMSO, Ethyl Acetate, Methanol, MTBE, N-Heptane, n-propyl Alcohol, Oxidizer, Piperidine 99%, Pyridine, Reagent Grade Alcohol, THF and Toluene. Custom blending and testing is also available upon request.


About Greenfield Global

Greenfield Global provides high-value, mission-critical raw materials, ingredients and additives that are vital to businesses, improve people’s lives, and preserve the health of the planet. Greenfield is the largest ethanol producer in Canada and owns and operates four ethanol distilleries, three specialty chemical manufacturing and packaging plants, and three next-generation biofuel and renewable energy R&D centers across North America. Since its beginning in 1989, Greenfield continually develops more efficient and sustainable technologies and products while shrinking its own carbon footprint. From start-ups to the largest brands in the world, customers trust Greenfield’s extensive portfolio of premium products, regulatory expertise, and industry-leading service. Under its Pharmco and Commercial Alcohols brands, Greenfield delivers hundreds of products to thousands of Life Science, Food, Flavor, Fragrance, and Beverage customers in more than 50 countries worldwide.  To learn more, visit www.greenfield.com.




Andrea Kent, Vice President, Government and Public Relations




Augustine Ullmann

Director, Life Sciences



CARTERET, N.J.Feb. 5, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Pharmco, a brand of Greenfield Global, today announced it is expanding its storage capacity and supply chain capabilities at the Kinder Morgan Terminal in Carteret, New Jersey. The newly acquired storage tanks provide 800,000 gallons of dedicated storage that will serve customers supplying Non-GMO sugar cane alcohol. Pharmco’s East Coast terminal is unique in the industry and is the most substantial storage capacity for this product in North America.

Read The Full Press Release Here

SHELBYVILLE, Ky.Feb. 19, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Pharmco, by Greenfield Global, today announced it is expanding the availability of its popular Kosher Certified herbal extraction solvent, sold as CDA 12A-1, to all regions in Canada and the United States. The product is a 200-proof grain denatured alcohol made with 4.76 percent high purity n-heptane that is exempt from the federal excise tax and does not require special permits to ship. The herbal extraction solvent is produced at the company’s dedicated production facility in Shelbyville, Kentucky, USA.

Read The Full Press Release Here