A valuable co-product of the ethanol production process is distillers’ grains, which are both a source of energy and a highly nutritious animal feed. Our goal is to provide a reliable, consistent supply of feed for farm animals in and around our ethanol plants.

Distillers’ grains have outstanding nutritional value because the starch has been removed, leaving a high-fiber, highly digestible protein, bypass proteins, dried yeast cell content, essential mineral-rich, FDA food grade feed.

Our advantage

We offer the following four varieties directly to farmers:

  • Dried Corn Distillers’ Grains with Solubles (DDGS) – medium fiber, high protein, high-energy dry feed product with a good blend of minerals and nutrients. It functions as an economical partial replacement for corn or soybean meal in dairy, beef, swine and poultry feeds.
  • Modified Corn Distillers’ Grains with Solubles (MWDGS) – medium fiber, high protein, high-energy feed product with a good blend of minerals and nutrients that contain 50% more moisture than DDGS. With proper handling, MWDGS can be stored for long periods of time on the farm in silo bags, bunk silos, etc.
  • Wet Corn Distillers’ Grains (WDG) – help to bind other feed ingredients while improving overall palatability. By adjusting the amount of moisture present in the feed, WDG is also used to improve digestion and increase total intake. With a higher energy concentration, lower cost and shorter shelf-life than DDGS, it is an attractive feed option for farmers close to a Greenfield plant.
  • Condensed solubles (CDS) is a liquid source of digestible protein, energy, vitamins, and minerals, including phosphorus and potassium. CDS is an excellent feed for swine, and works well with liquid feeding systems.


For More Information About DDGS

For more information about animal feed, or for a copy of the spec sheets, please contact: 1 866 972 6866 (toll-free) ddg@greenfield.com Ontario and Quebec farmers provide the corn that fuels our business. Do you want to sell your corn? See corn bids.

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