Product Information


Denatured Alcohol, Denatured Alcohol (Permitted), Process Solvents, Solvents, Specially Denatured Alcohol, Tax-Exempt Alcohol Blends


Conflict Free, GMO Free, Grain Derived


4x1 Fluorinated Poly Gallon Case - Item #1232B3190CSGF

55 Gallon Metal Drum - Item #1232B3190DM55M

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TTB Authorized Uses: Pharmaceutical Preparations, cellulose and non-cellulose plastics including resins, photographic films and emulsions, transparent sheeting, explosives, cellulose compounds, sodium hydrosulfite dehydration, other dehydration products, petroleum products, processing pectin, other food products, crude drugs, glandular products, vitamins, hormones and yeasts, antibiotics and vaccines. Processing medical chemicals including alkaloids, miscellaneous drug processing, including the manufacture of pills, processing dyes and intermediates, perfume materials and fixatives, photographic chemicals and other miscellaneous chemicals and products.

This product is for further commercial manufacturing, laboratory or research use, and may be used as an excipient or a process solvent for pharmaceutical purposes. It is not intended for use as an active ingredient in drug manufacturing nor as a medical device or disinfectant. Appropriate/legal use of this product is the responsibility of the user.


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