Dichloromethane (DCM), HPLC
Product Information
Extraction Solvents, Lab Solvents, Process Solvents, Solvents
Conflict Free, GMO Free, HPLC/LC-MS/GC
4x4L Case - Item #31300HPLCCS4L
ACS, HPLC, Reagent
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Where to Purchase
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Additional Notes
This product is manufactured for Routine HPLC Analysis and meets the requirements for General Use HPLC Grade, ACS Specifications. This product is not intended for GC or critical HPLC analysis. See Glass Purified Glass Distilled Grade for those applications. This product is for further commercial manufacturing, laboratory or research use, and may be used as an excipient or a process solvent for pharmaceutical purposes. It is not intended for use as an active ingredient in drug manufacturing nor as a medical device or disinfectant. Appropriate/legal use of this product is the responsibility of the user.
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